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The verdict is in...
March 21, 2009

The Verdict is In

Some time ago I asked for your help in deciding what prize to give away for a competition I am organizing. The two prize options were:
1. A full standard coaching package of 10 coaching sessions with me (in person, over the phone or over the internet)?
2. Your own successful internet business (which you can get and run anywhere in the world)?

Well, the vote was close:
51% of you said you would like to have the coaching package.
49% said you’d like to have the internet business.

That was a really close call.

So I decided to offer both prizes in two separate competitions.

Which means you would get a chance to participate for the prize you would like to get…and yes, you can participate in both competitions. Plus there will be plenty of consolation prizes as well.

Details of the competitions will follow soon.

Thanks for taking the time to vote.

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