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Which would you prefer?
February 28, 2009

Which would you prefer?

1. A full standard coaching package of 10 coaching sessions with me (in person, over the phone or over the internet)?
2. Your own successful internet business (which you can get and run anywhere in the world)?

These prizes are worth over USD 1200 each.

So Cast your vote

Over the past few months I have gotten a lot of requests from people who are interested in either getting coaching sessions or in starting their own internet business.

But some cannot manage to pay the fees associated with these immediately. So I thought that it would be a great way to say thanks to you and the other subscribers to this ezine by giving away some prizes in a competition.

Cast your vote here and help me decide which prize to give away. The prize with the most votes wins.

Then , once I know what prize to give away I will let you know the details of the competition.

Who knows – you could walk away with one of these lovely packages yourself.

Thanks for your help.

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