The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – by Stephen R. Covey

I don’t know exactly what attracted me to The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It certainly was not the title because it doesn’t strike you as much as “the seven habits of very rich people.” I think it was the boredom of being on holiday during my university days and having nothing to do during one of my visits home (my parents’ home that is). I had a desperate look at the bookshelf and found the book. I was hooked right then.

Over the years I lost two copies of the book and replaced them real quick. Fortunately, when someone took my last copy and did not bring it back I got married and my wife had a copy too. No, I did not marry her for the book! It is one of those books you just can’t afford not to have in your collection.

My favorite section of the book is the first section on personal victory. It outlines three habits that will make you more successful in your personal life. Stephen Covey believes, and I agree, that private victory comes before public victory. You have to master yourself first before you can have victory with others.

When I read these three habits I immediately dropped several things at university which I realised I was doing just to please other people. I was becoming what other people wanted me to be and not what I wanted to be. This included my role as class representative, something I had the ability to do but not the passion, and my desire to always get the best grades in class. I realised that I was worth much more than just some grades and getting the best grades in class was not the best way to assess my real worth as a person.

If I continued to value myself based on what others said I would be in a big mess. In addition I dropped a club role as President of the club. I had gotten it due to pressure from my fellow club members and took it up to please them. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it.

I was free. I started doing things that really mattered to me and that I really wanted to do. It was a life-changing experience and I still apply the principles in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People in many areas of my life and refer to it many times. It’s priceless.

Invest in yourself. Buy a book today.

Quick Quote:

“We began to realise that if we wanted to change the situation, we first had to change ourselves. And to change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions.”

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Other Books By Dr. Moses:

Power Principles For Purposeful Living

"Powerful And Life-Changing Lessons On How To Maximise Your Potential And Live Your Dreams"

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Power Principles for Fearless & Abundant Living

"How To Let Go of Fear and Embrace Prosperity"

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In the POWER PRINCIPLES series of books, Dr. Moses Simuyemba, "Africa's Success Coach", shares his knowledge, experience and insight to help you in overcoming your personal challenges and limitations and inspire you towards the life you desire and deserve: a life of greater purpose, free of fear and full of abundance.