Succeed!...Without Permission

by Olugbenga Stephen ASAOLU
(Ilesa, Osun-state, Nigeria)

You don't need any man's permission to succeed in life.
All you need do is to DECIDE today to succeed without limit.
Inside you is an incredible seed for an excellent accomplishment.
All you have to do is to RELEASE the genius in you.

There's something good inside of you that is waiting to get out.
You are TOO LOADED beyond your imagination.
I suggest you start BELIEVING in the magnificent capabilities on the inside of you.
'Cos, you will become on the outside what you believe on the inside.

It's not where you start out, but the decisions you make about where you are DETERMINED to end up that matter.

You owe nobody any explanation before you SUCCEED.

You do not owe your past any explanation.

You do not owe your critics any explanation.

You do not owe your self-limiting beliefs any explanation.

Your DESTINY is in no man's hand.
The decision to SUCCEED & EXCEL lies with you.

Just say to yourself today what you would be and do what you have to do, then you shall one day become the person of your dream.

Thanks for reading this note.

Olugbenga Stephen ASAOLU
Fresh Motivation Int’l

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