Forget It All

by kingsley

Everyone of us has had a dream of living a better life but the evil winds usually sweep and blow us to places so far from our disired is a resting place like they say but why do we have to suffer before we leave?

Alot have died and so are we to, before we can leave it to our young brothers and sisters to carry on. Everyday bears more pain and todays generation is better than the one to come.

Our lifestyle has been filled with a huge amount of killings,prostitutions,teen pregnacies, abortion and all the dark secrets we keep in our hearts.

We are not free because some of these things were not dreamt of in our early years. We now hurt ourselves and refraining from these addictions isn't in our minds. We hurt ourselves and all those who are related or contributed to the problems we are facing therefore making us fail to concentrate and forgetting that every second draws us closer to the day we leave the world.

Life is bitter and the best we can get from this life is love and giving it to the next so it can extend.

Everyone has his own life so let's forget and operate with a passion of leaving the world with a smile. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past,it's time to come back home and restart.

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