What is Success – More Views
What is success? That is the question I asked subscribers to “The Dreamer’s Guide” Motivation newsletter. These are some of the responses that I received: Isaac Alex Phiri Success must be born in the mind of somebody who really wants it. s/he must convince him/her self that s/he can succeed regardless of the colour, tribe, family back ground, what is important is to paint a picture of success in your mind. thanks doctor Geoffrey Nkhoma Pleasing those we love brings the greatest joy to ourselves. It involves providing adequately for the present and future needs of the persons we care for (this would therefore include financial security to the extent that it enables us to provide for our loved ones). It involves doing things that would please them. This in my opinion would bring the greatest feeling of fulfilment. Janett Kalale So you see the measure of it is complicated for the things in which we measure success in can never be complete i.e. parenting, family, spiritual, education, etc. Physical feats are temporary and their success therefore easily measurable e.g. going to the moon, climbing a mountain, winning a race, passing an exam. On the other hand one can only say they have been a successfully happily married person when one or the other partner says goodbye to the union by the separation of death. Mary Masumbuko Success is prosperity in all things and be in good health. (John 3:2) Success is having your life under control i.e. you plan to spend time with your family - you achieve it by doing it. Mapping out a plan for your life and then you achieve it - that is success to me. Simon Abwino Humphrey *Happiness in family life and in marriage for the married people *Having a health relationship with God almighty and confidence of eternal life *Happiness or satisfaction in the occupation or vocation one may have. *Rich in respect from one's friends and other relationships such as from workmates or workers as the case may be. Therefore, I feel that financial prosperity without the aspects mentioned above does not necessarily mean one is successful. If anything it means that one is just wealthy but one's successful life is not complete. On the other hand, it is possible to have a successful life without being wealthy. Brian Chilubano What is success? I am sure the answers above give us some insight into the meaning of success. Thanks Isaac, Brian,Micky, Geoffrey, Janett, Mary, Simon and Humphrey for your responses. It is so amazing to note that what is success to one person is not necessarily success to another person. What is success? Find out more on the pages below: HOME I would be happy to include your comments on the website so others can learn from you as to what is success.
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