Motivation Exercise - "Memory IV"

"Memory IV" is a wonderful motivation exercise to improve your memory and keep you alert.

This is a variation of Memory III, only this time you have to select a pair of matching balls. Don’t get too overconfident though because things get very interesting and challenging pretty fast.

"The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds."
Tryon Edwards

"What we learn with pleasure we never forget."
Alfred Mercier

"Own only what you can carry with you; know language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag."
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backward."
Lewis Carroll
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Other Books By Dr. Moses:

Power Principles For Purposeful Living

"Powerful And Life-Changing Lessons On How To Maximise Your Potential And Live Your Dreams"

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Power Principles for Fearless & Abundant Living

"How To Let Go of Fear and Embrace Prosperity"

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In the POWER PRINCIPLES series of books, Dr. Moses Simuyemba, "Africa's Success Coach", shares his knowledge, experience and insight to help you in overcoming your personal challenges and limitations and inspire you towards the life you desire and deserve: a life of greater purpose, free of fear and full of abundance.