Comments for The Fight for Congruency

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Nov 05, 2013
Simply Profound.
by: Anonymous

Profound, yet so simple. It reminds me of an old saying regarding the hope of/for things... "When I see it, I'll beleive it." Yet, this idiom is based on what the writer said about "wishful thinking", "...universe abhor it". One must say, "...when I believe it, I'll see it". Believing in it, isnt wishful thinking, it's projecting oneself with the attainment ones thoughts. Seeing it in ones minds eye, developing a razor sharp focus, a discipline that allows no moment for sloth, and delivers the want. Awesome, I shall plant this piece as a seed, that it may germinate in the minds of others, that will read it's simple words, that will open the profound path that leads to clarity..

Aug 26, 2009
The Fight for Congruency
by: Anonymous

Very well written, sincere article.

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