Try Easier... Become The Best You Can Be - by Nyangu Simpungwe

by Sheril Gomes
(Washington DC USA)


1)people of the same education and skill-set have different levels of achievement.

2)One person with identical skills can earn hundreds of thousands and even millions more than another.

3)Some people live happy productive lives while people of identical upbringings and education stumble from failure to failure.

4)Some people shoot to the top of the company while others are fired?

5)Some seem to achieve goals almost effortlessly while most won't seem to get on track

How book has affected me...

In everything in life, there are levels towards an ultimate purpose. In everything in life, anything that is big was once small. In everything in life, there is a beginning, life is full of beginnings, and they are presented every day and every hour to every person. Most beginnings are small, and appear trivial and insignificant, but in reality they are the most important things in life. Having explained that phenomena, let's look at the battle within and not outside us. The book explains the source of sourcess within an individual and not outside. A lot of people hold God responsible for their failure and loose faith. I tell you God has given us all we have and people have gone from hero to zero, whilst others have decided to pray and expect all to be hunky dory. Lets be serious, God has given us the most sophisticated mind ever all we need is direction from him and not for him to sort out our problems.

It is with great honour that the author of this book advised me to visit this site when I contacted him. It is my wish and hope that you guys will create a new majority of Africans.

Great book, have a read! for any added questions, my contact is

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